Fit Pregnancy

I had a vision in mind when I found out I was pregnant that I would be able to stay fit throughout my whole pregnancy. I learned quickly though that you never know how your body is going to react to all these changes. I always imagined myself as one of those glowing women on the cover of Fit Pregnancy still working out and eating healthy. However, my first trimester was a trying one and I completely fell off the workout wagon for a good 6 weeks. I had extreme nausea and threw up constantly (sorry for the detail), but it’s true. I lost 7lbs during the first trimester and had no urge to eat, which means I had barely enough energy to get through a workday. Around week 12 things slowly started to turn around for the better, some days. I would try my best to go for walks, and my wonderful husband bought me a prenatal yoga DVD by Gaiam. On the days I ate well and had some energy I did what I could. I learned to be lenient with myself, and not be so critical. prenatal yoga I’m on week 21, and feel myself getting back to normal. This past weekend we had friends visiting from San Diego, and it felt great to spend time with them and walking all over Seattle for two days. Some of the lessons I learned while being pregnant-

  • Baby is the first priority and as long as she is growing strong & healthy do your best to maintain your health also
  • You can’t be so tough on yourself, be lenient
  • Don’t expect to follow a strict workout/diet regimen
  • Listen to your body, if you have been throwing up all day and can barely have the energy to finish a work day, don’t expect to fit in a workout
  • Lift, but not as heavy. Go for higher reps with way lower weight, and focus on more body weight exercise
  • Focus on stretching, I highly recommend prenatal yoga. Not only has it helped me stretch, but it helps me really tune into what my body is actually feeling.
  • Let your body eat what it craves, but make sure if it’s an unhealthy try to find alternatives. For example, I had terrible chocolate cravings so I turned to dark, natural chocolate!chocolate
  • If you haven’t been working out ask your doctor if you can start. With the beautiful weather of spring all you need is a brisk 20-30 minute walk to get you going. Then make sure to stretch after.

GUEST POST: Jim from Gym Source

Hi Everyone! I’m excited to have Jim from Gym Source as a guest blogger to share his knowledge on the benefits of staying active while enjoying the great outdoors.

Jim Rollince is a member of the creating writing department of Gym Source
He enjoys writing about Fitness, Nutrition, and many other related topics. Contact him at

Great Outdoors: The Many Benefits of Exercising in Nature’s Gym

Although many people believe that choosing to work out outdoors is simply a matter of preference, there is emerging science that shows that exercising outside actually offers a lot more overall than doing so indoors. Many fitness experts are recommending that you exercise outside whenever possible and save the elliptical and treadmills for when the weather is in climate. Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy from outdoor physical activity.

Improved Mental Health
If you’ve been feeling depressed, angry or otherwise under the weather lately, you might want to consider moving your fitness routine to a local green space. A study done in Scotland showed that exercising in someplace like a park or forest had a 50 percent greater benefit on mental health than exercising indoors.

Get the Pets Involved
Going outside to exercise is a great opportunity to see to Fido’s health, too. Animals need exercise just as much as human beings, and this will enable you both to spend quality time together doing something healthy and productive. Your pet will quickly shed excess weight, have fewer health problems and be less inclined to become depressed. Furthermore, if your pet has an opportunity to expend some of their pent-up energy, they’re less likely to take out their frustration and boredom on your furniture!

It’s Free
Money is a huge stressor for many people, and stress is one of the most serious threats to health in modern times. Couple that with the often massive costs of gym memberships and you’ve got a problem. Exercise is important, but it does little good if paying for that gym membership is causing undue stress because it’s contributing to financial hardship. Exercising outside is free, easy and you can go any time of the day or night.

Lose Weight
There is a nearly endless capacity for variety when exercising outside. Whereas the inside of a gym stays the same every day of the year, the outside environment is always changing its appearance and you can choose to go wherever you want. In fact, this gives outdoor exercise yet another benefit over indoor fitness. Studies have found that people who exercised in differing environments worked out harder, stayed more motivated and lost more weight than people who exercised in a static environment.

Less Distraction
Many people buy home gym equipment because the idea of working out in the comfort of their own home appeals to them. While this seems like it would make someone more likely to exercise, the opposite is often true. Your home is filled with potential distractions, such as televisions, computers, family, work and household chores that can make it easy to forget about your fitness routine. When you’re outside, these things aren’t around to tempt you into ‘taking it easy’ for the day.

Get Active!
It doesn’t matter exactly where you exercise, but be sure to do it! Chances are you will feel happier and healthier and will go back for more! Grab some friends and get active, or take some time alone to enjoy the great outdoors while you better your health!


Happy Monday!

Like most people I find myself sitting for the majority of my day-during my long commute and being at work. Being seated all day can tense up muscles. This can lead to headaches, pain, and stiffness in our bodies. It is essential to stretch!

Stretching helps prevent a multitude of injuries, stress, and strain that is caused by sitting. It’s a simple solution and can help improve your overall well being and aide in relieving soreness from working out! Make stretching a part of your daily routine

I found this on the Greatist! Six essential stretches all day desk workers should do today!

 What are some of your favorite stretches?

Nocturnal Saturday Workout

After a fun date night with my husband, we decided to hit the gym for weightlifting (back) & interval running. This is my 3rd Saturday in a row I’ve been to the gym, but the first time going late at night. We were there from 8:00-10:00 PM. It may sound insane, but it was one of the best workouts ever!

New running shoes!


  • The sweet front desk attendant said “WOW you are so dedicated” and kindly asked how many days I went to the gym. I said “6 days!” I thought it was very sweet of her to notice 🙂
  • I didn’t have to wait for a single machine, weight, and most importantly the sauna was not crowded! AWESOME!
  • It’s calmer around this time-usually our gym is filled with loud, high school boys. It can get overwhelming when they start yelling random things at each other. SIDE NOTE-If people can hear you through their headphones, you’re speaking way too loudly!
  • We took our time-with nothing planned after a workout, we slowed down, stretched to make sure to avoid sore muscles the next day.

Have you worked out on a Saturday night?

Interval Training-Best explained

After doing the same cardio routine for almost 7 months, I needed to switch things up. Last week I added interval training 2 days a week- as I mentioned here I do the “Little Method” on the treadmill for 25-27 minutes, with a 10-15 minute cool down. It’s a quick & effective way to burn calories.

Quick Tip: It is essential to perform a proper cool down, I.E. walking with no incline, and at a slow pace (2.0 Speed). I make sure my heart rate is down 90-100 BPM.

I also make sure to do quad & calf stretches. This helps with stiff muscles and soreness the next day.

More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.

Hello world!

My name is Arlyn. I’m not a nutritionist, or a certified personal trainer-I train with one. I was scared healthy and realized life is too short to take it for granted. I’ve made it my life’s mission to stay healthy and see the world one city at a time.

On May 15, 2011; I was getting ready to board a plane home from Dallas-Lovefield airport to Seattle. I was in Dallas for my cousin’s college graduation extremely proud!  I felt my heart rate skyrocket as I waited in line, and felt weak in my knees but tried to board the plane anyways. Fortunately, the gate agent stopped me from boarding that fateful day.

By the time the paramedics saw me; my heart rate was at 280 BPM almost triple a normal resting heart rate. I was rushed to Parkland Hospital where the doctors performed an atrial ablation. I believe God answered my prayers. I’ve gone through numerous tests for a year prior to my procedure to try to figure out the reason behind my extreme heart beat, but I was left without a conclusion/answers. I’m extremely thankful to the doctor’s at Parkland for giving me the answers. I’m also thankful, God healed my heart and answered my prayers! The doctors’ told me I was completely healed, and that I could live life as normal.

However normal couldn’t come fast enough for me. Daily activities were just unbearable. I returned home and I wasn’t my normal self. It hits you like ton of bricks, you have to restart your life!  I became flat out, lazy. I used this procedure as an excuse to not do anything. I needed to wake up! Two months had passed, and I was sick of feeling sorry for myself. In July I started working with a trainer at 24 Hour Fitness. He turned my life around. I discovered strength and endurance I never knew I could have.

Fast forward 8 months later, I’m down 35lbs! It’s been an amazing journey, but I’ve learned an incredible amount along the way. I want to share with readers my love for fitness, health, food, and adventures that help me stay motivated. This is my journey! I hope you stay with me!